Student Wellbeing

P.B.I.S Framework

PBIS is a school wide, proactive approach, which emphasises the instruction of social skills, data-based decision making, and the prevention of problematic behaviour. While fostering positive behaviours and interactions, PBIS also improves academic performance.

PBIS is an evidence based practice that enhances the capacity of schools to educate all students, especially children with challenging behaviours. It is a proactive system approach to school wide discipline that responds to the current social and / or educational challenges through three levels of intervention: universal, targeted-group, and individual intensive.

Community & Pastoral Wellbeing

At St Therese’s, we have a Pastoral Wellbeing Team.

The following activities and programs are on offer:

  • Welcoming new school families and Kinder to School Transition
  • Grade 6 Leadership Groups
  • Indoor Activities and the Library are open each break time
  • Seasons for Growth Sessions
  • Classroom sessions as required
  • Attendance monitoring and support
  • Meals and support to families when in need
  • Children’s Counsellor and Koori Education Worker to support children.

Our Pastoral Wellbeing Team is also responsible for ensuring the Child Safe Standards and Framework are implemented and acted upon at St Therese’s Primary School. For further information on these standards and policies please see Child Safe policies on our website.