Educational Philosophy

Educational Philosophy

We believe in nurturing the whole child: their social, emotional, physical, academic, and spiritual growth.

We believe all students can achieve high standards given time and the right support.

We believe student learning is enhanced by high-quality teaching. Teachers ensure their pedagogical skills, knowledge, and commitment are of the highest standard.

We believe education is a collaborative experience. Students, teachers, and families work together to provide the best environment and support possible for each child to thrive and reach their potential.

Instructional Model

St Therese’s Instructional Model is a visual representation that guides the learning and teaching practices of our school. When creating our instructional model, we looked at current best practice research, High Impact Teaching Strategies, our school context and the needs of our students.

The St Therese’s Primary School instructional model has been designed to allow for consistent and collaborative instruction across classes. The model provides a framework for teachers and students as to how a lesson, or sequence of lessons, should be structured to ensure learning is explicit and purposeful. It works to engage all students and differentiate teaching and learning opportunities to cater for the diverse range of students in every class.

The instructional model supports both staff and students with a common language and approach to learning. It guides students and teachers through the learning process, whilst still allowing for individual learning and teaching styles in the classroom.