Our Vision & Graduate Outcomes

School Identity Statement

Amor Vincit Omnia – Love Conquers All 

Vision Statement

St Therese’s school strives to be a faith and learning community that celebrates God’s presence through our Catholic heritage, excellence in teaching and learning and a strong partnership between family, parish and staff.

Graduate Outcomes

St Therese’s Graduates are people of:

Faith: who develop a relationship with God.

Integrity: who show a strong sense of justice.

Hope: who are self confident and believe in themselves.

Wisdom: who strive to achieve their full potential through a love of learning.

Courage: who are inclusive, and make responsible choices, even when it’s difficult.

Respect: who show respect for life, self, others, the wider community and the environment.

School Improvement Plan 2023-2026

Our students will always be at the heart of everything we do at St Therese’s.

It is a priority at St Therese’s that parents, teachers, students and the wider community work in partnership to provide a supportive and enriching learning environment. Our School Improvement Plan is a reflection of our consultation and engagement with our school community.

Our School Improvement Plan provides goals, objectives and success criteria that will ensure as a community we are continuing to strive for excellence in all areas. The School Improvement Plan guides our professional development, community connections and pedagogical practice.

Educational Philosophy

We believe in nurturing the whole child: their social, emotional, physical, academic, and spiritual growth.

We believe all students can achieve high standards given time and the right support.

We believe student learning is enhanced by high-quality teaching. Teachers ensure their pedagogical skills, knowledge, and commitment are of the highest standard.

We believe education is a collaborative experience. Students, teachers, and families work together to provide the best environment and support possible for each child to thrive and reach their potential.