
The Canteen opens each Thursday during first break to sell small treat items over the counter.

Lunch orders are to be placed by Thursday each week for Friday lunch. The Canteen operates on Friday each week during first break, with a range of school approved foods.  We also hold special Canteen days during the term. E.g. Red Food Days.

Our current Canteen Menu can viewed, and orders made, via an account on the My School Connect website or app.

Canteen Volunteers

We are looking for ANYONE* from the school community who can spare an hour or two on:

  • Thursday mornings 11am – 12pm for over-the-counter sales and/or baking
  • Fridays between 9am – 11.30am for over-the-counter sales and/or lunch order cooking/packing

*This can be parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, friends, siblings or even your next-door neighbour. All volunteers must have a valid Working With Children Check and do an induction with our Pastoral Wellbeing Leader.

If you like:

  • working with a wonderful and friendly team,
  • baking delicious, healthy food.
  • chatting over a coffee while counting orders
  • serving children with gorgeous personalities
  • seeing the smile on your child’s face when you are at School
  • If you have any queries or suggestions, please contact our canteen manager.

Please note that pre-school children are welcome at canteen duty and there are toys available for them to play with, along with something from the menu for them to eat if you wish.

We hope to see you there.