St Therese’s Primary School relies on the generosity of volunteers to make everything happen.
Volunteers can be parents, carers or extended family and friends of our school community.
Throughout the year we call on volunteers for activities such as:
- Fundraising assistance
- Sports clubs
- Sports events
- The Friendly Brew Cafe
- Shrove Tuesday pancakes
- Classroom activities
- Excursions
- Working Bees
- Canteen
- Gardening
All of our volunteers are required to read and sign our Volunteer Code Of Conduct form and provide us with a copy of their “Working With Children” card.
A working with children card for volunteers can be obtained free of charge online at
Unfortunately, our school can not allow you to volunteer unless you have provided us with the required documents to comply with child-safe standards and participate in an induction process.
If you have any queries regarding being a volunteer or are seeking further information, please contact our Pastoral Wellbeing Leader.